电 话:0451-82191820
· 1997.09--2001.07,安徽农业大学,森林利用学院,林学专业,本科/学士。
· 2001.09--2004.07,安徽农业大学,森林利用学院,森林保护专业,研究生/硕士。
· 2004.09--2007.07,东北林业大学,林学院,林木遗传育种专业,研究生/博士。
· 2007.12--2009.10,东北林业大学,生命学院,博士后
· 2009.10--2010.08,东北林业大学,林学院,讲师
· 2010.09--2015.08,东北林业大学,林学院,副教授
· 2014.02--2015.02,美国普渡大学,园艺学院,访问学者
· 2015.09--至今, 东北林业大学,林学院,教授
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[4] 2014.01-2017.12, 柽柳Dof转录因子的耐盐调控机理研究(31370676).国家自然科学基金面上项目. 80万.
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[1] Peilong Wang, Liuqiang Wang*, Zhongyuan Liu, Tengqian Zhang, Yuanyuan Wang, Yabo Li , Caiqiu Gao*. Molecular characterization and expression profiles of GRAS genes in response to abiotic stress and hormone treatment in Tamarix hispida. Trees. 2019,33(1), 213–225 (SCI 收录)
[2] Zhongyuan Liu, Peilong Wang, Tengqian Zhang, Yabo Li, Yuanyuan Wang, Caiqiu Gao*. Comprehensive analysis of BpHSP genes and their expression under heat stresses in Betula platyphylla. Environmental and Experimental Botany.2018,152:167-176 (SCI 收录)
[3] Tengqian Zhang, Yulin Zhao, Yucheng Wang, Zhongyuan Liu, Caiqiu Gao*. Comprehensive analysis of MYB gene family and their expressions under abiotic stresses and hormone treatments in Tamarix hispida. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018,9:1303 (SCI 收录)
[4] Guiyan Yang, Lili Yu, Yucheng Wang, Chao Wang, Caiqiu Gao*. The translation initiation factor 1A (TheIF1A) from Tamarix hispida is regulated by a Dof transcription factor and increased abiotic stress tolerance. Frontiers in plant science. 2017, 8: 513. (SCI 收录)
[5] Guiyan Yang, Lili Yu, Kaimin Zhang, Yulin Zhao, Yucong Guo and Caiqiu Gao*. A ThDREB gene from Tamarix hispida improved the salt and drought tolerance of transgenic tobacco and T. hispida. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017,113:187-197 (SCI 收录)
[6] Guiyan Yang, Chao Wang, Yucheng Wang, Yucong Guo, Yulin Zhao, Chuanping Yang*, Caiqiu Gao*. Overexpression of ThVHAc1 and its potential upstream regulator, ThWRKY7, improved plant tolerance of Cadmium stress. Scientific Reports.2016, 6:18752. (SCI 收录)
[7] Caiqiu Gao, Guiyan Yang, Yucong Guo, Yulin Zhao, Chuanping Yang*.Overexpression of ThGSTZ1 from Tamarix hispida Improves Exogenous ABA and Methyl Viologen Tolerance. Trees.2016, 30(6):1935-1944. (SCI 收录)
[8] Liuqiang Wang , Lei Zheng , Chunrui Zhang, Yucheng Wang, Mengzhu Lu,* and Caiqiu Gao*. ThWRKY4 from Tamarix hispida can form homodimers and heterodimers and is involved in abiotic stress responses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2015, 16(11), 27097-27106. (SCI 收录)
[9] Guiyan Yang, Yucheng Wang, Dean Xia, Caiqiu Gao*, Chao Wang, Chuanping Yang*. Overexpression of a GST gene (ThGSTZ1) from Tamarix hispida improves drought and salinity tolerance by enhancing the ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species. Plant cell, Tissue and organ culture. 2014,117(1):99-112 (SCI 收录)
[10] Caiqiu Gao#, Yali Liu#, Chao Wang, Kaimin Zhang, Yucheng Wang*, "Expression Profiles of 12 Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein Genes from Tamarix hispida in Response to Abiotic Stress. The Scientific World Journal. vol. 2014, Article ID 868391, 9 pages, 2014. (SCI 收录)
[11] Wenjin Liu. Yucheng Wang. Caiqiu Gao*.The ethylene response factor (ERF) genes from Tamarix hispida respond to salt, drought and ABA treatment. Trees. 2014,28(2):317-327 (SCI 收录)
[12] Guiyan Yang, Yucheng Wang, Kaimin Zhang, Caiqiu Gao*. Expression analysis of nine small heat shock protein genes from Tamarix hispida in response to different abiotic stresses and abscisic acid treatment. Molecular Biology Reports. 2014, 41(3):1279-1289 (SCI 收录)
[13] Caiqiu Gao#, Bo Jiang#, yucheng wang, Guifeng Liu,Chuanping Yang* Overexpression of a heat shock protein (ThHSP18.3) from Tamarix hispida confers stress tolerance to yeast. Molecular Biology Reports, 2012,39(4):4889-4897. (SCI 收录)
[14] Caiqiu Gao, Kaimin Zhang, Guiyan Yang, Yucheng Wang*. Expression analysis of four peroxiredoxin genes from Tamarix hispida in response to different abiotic stresses and exogenous ABA. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2012, 13(3), 3751-3764; (SCI 收录)
[15] Caiqiu Gao, Chao Wang, Lei Zheng, Liuqiang Wang,Yucheng Wang*. A LEA gene regulates cadmium tolerance by mediating some physiological responses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2012, 13(5), 5468-5481(SCI 收录)
[16] Yucheng Wang, Caiqiu Gao(并列第一), Lei Zheng, Guifeng Liu, Jing Jiang, Chuanping Yang*. Building an mRNA transcriptome from the shoots of Betula platyphylla by using Solexa technology. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 2012.8(5):1031-1040 (SCI 收录)
[17] Caiqiu Gao, Yucheng Wang, Bo Jiang, Guifeng Liu, Lili Yu, Zhigang Wei, Chuanping Yang*.A novel vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase c subunit gene (ThVHAc1) from Tamarix hispida confers tolerance to several abiotic stresses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Biology Reports, 2011,38 (2):957-963 (SCI 收录)
[18] Caiqiu Gao,Yucheng Wang,Guifeng Liu,Chao Wang,Jing Jiang, Chuanping Yang*. Cloning of ten peroxidase (POD) genes from Tamarix hispida and characterization of their responses to abiotic stress. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2010, 28(1):77-89 (SCI 收录)
[19] Caiqiu Gao, Yucheng Wang, Guifeng Liu*, Chuanping Yang, Jing Jiang, Huiyu Li. Expression profiling of salinity-alkali stress responses by large-scale expressed sequence tag analysis in Tamarix hispid. Plant Molecular Biology, 2008, 66(3):245-258 (SCI 收录)
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