报告题目:Researches on the Valuable Forest Genetic Resource, Prunus yedoensis
报告时间:2019年8月26号(星期一) 09:00
报告人姓名:Eun Ju Cheong (鄭恩珠)

Name: Eun Ju Cheong (鄭恩珠)
Kangwon National University,
College of Forest and Environmental Sciences,
Research Interests
• Forest genetic resources conservation based on biotechnological approaches
• Physiological aspect of plants in situ under stress
• Forest tree species propagation through in vitro culture
• Kangwon National University (Rep. of Korea), Ph.D. 2000, Forest Science (Plant
Thesis title: A study on mass propagation of Prunus yedoensis Matsumura from Jeju using in
vitro culture techniques
• Kangwon National University (Rep. of Korea), M.S. 1995, Forest Science (Plant Breeding)
Thesis title: Propagation of Populus davidiana Dode by In Vitro Bud Culture
• Kangwon National University (Rep. of Korea), B.S. 1993, Forest Science (Genetics)
•Work Experience
1. Assistant Professor (9/2015-present)
Kangwon National University
College of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Davison of Forest Sciences
2. Horticulturist (6/2006-9/2015)
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Projects included:
• Disease Diagnosis, Detection, Identification and Characterization of Plant Pathogens
Subtitle: Develop protocols to eliminate viral and sub-viral agents from infected Clonal
germplasm maintained in quarantine
3. Research Analyst and Visiting Scientist (3/2001-05/2006)
US National Arboretum, Floral and Nursery Plant Research Unit
Projects included:
• Breeding and genetics of woody ornamental trees and shrubs
• Developing non-invasive nursery crops
4. Scientist (5/1997-2/2003)
Korea Forest Research Institute
Projects included:
• Improvement of promising indigenous species in Jeju
• Development of a natural beverage from and methods for mass production and
cultivation techniques of Schisandra nigra as special products of Jeju
• Evaluation of rare plants in Jeju Island for horticultural and commercial use
• Stabilization of forest ecosystems in Halla Mountain
Peer-Reviewed Journals (2015~2019)
1. Chul-Woo Kim, Chan-Hoon An, Hyun-Seok Le, Jae-Seon Yi, Eun Ju Cheong, Sang-Hyun
Lim, Hee-Yeon Kim. 2019. Proximate and mineral components of Viscum album var. coloratum grown on eight different host tree species. Journal of Forest Research 30(4):1245-
2. Eun Ju Cheong. 2019. Organogenesis from callus derived from in vitro root tissues of wild
Prunus yedoesnsis Matsumura. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 35:41-46
3. K.Y. Kim, M. Na, S.E Hong, Y.C. Park, Eun Ju Cheong. 2019. Research trends in the
Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) through co-word analysis. Journal of Agriculture & Life
Science 53(2):27-38
4. Kwon S., Hwang I.S., Park W.G. Eun Ju Cheong. 2019. Characteristics of natural habitats of
rare species, Tofieldia nuda. Korean J. Enrion. Ecol. 33(1):86-106
5. Minho Na, Seong-Eun Hong, Ki-Yoon Kim and Eun Ju Cheong. 2018. A Comparative
Analysis of Korean and Chinese Medicinal Plant Resources and Traditional Knowledge Using
Data Analysis. Journal Of Korean Society of Forest Science 107(4): 456-477
6. Eun Ju Cheong. 2018. Propagation of three Rubus species native to Korea by stem cutting.
Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 34:173-175
7. Eun Ju Cheong. 2018. Root Induction and Propagation of Sedum takesimense Nakai using
leaf cutting method. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 34:50-52
8. Eun Ju Cheong, Myong-Suk Cho, Seung-Chul Kim, Chan-Soo Kim. 2017. Chloroplast
noncoding DNA sequences reveal genetic distinction and diversity between wild and
cultivated Prunus yedoensis. Journal of American Society Horticultural Science 142:434-443
9. Chanhoon An, Hyunseok Lee, Jeonghoon Lee, Eun Ju Cheong, Yuhua Li, Jae-Seon Yi.
2016. Analysis of genetic diversity and differentiation of artificial populations of yellowhorn
(Xanthoceras sorbifolium) in China using ISSR markers. Journal of Forest Research 27:1099-
10. Mo C., Kim M., Kim G., Cheong E.J., Yang J., Lim J. 2015. Detecting drought stress in
soybean plants using hyperspectral fluorescence imaging. Journal of Biosystems Engineering
11. Jeong Ho Song, Eun Ju Cheong, Hyeusoo Kim, Moon Sup Kim and Sea Hyun Kim. 2015
Variation of morphological characteristics and anthocyanin contents from fruit of Vaccinium
oldhamii in Korea. Journal of Korean Forest Society 104:193-197. 12. Cheong E.J. and Pooler M. 2015. Establishment of transformation system through somatic
embryogenesis with visible reporter gene in ornamental cherry tree, Prunus incisa ‘February
Pink’. Plant Breeding and Biotechnology 3:238-243
13. Cheong E.J. and An C.H. 2015. Effect of carbohydrate sources on in vitro shoot growth of
various Prunus species. Korean Journal of Plant Resources 28(3): 357-362.
14. Cheong E.J., C-S Kim, G Kinard, R Li. 2015. Evaluation of the virus and viroid infection
status of flowering cherry (Prunus yedoensis) collections in Korea and the U.S. Journal of
Plant Pathology 97(2): 155-160.
Cheong E.J. 2014. Biotechnological approaches for improvement and conservation of Prunus
species. In: Ramawat K.G., Mérillon J.-M., Ahuja M.R. (Eds). Tree Biotechnology CRC Press